Monday, April 14, 2008

Joy vs. Happiness

The best thing I've learned in the past six months is the difference between happiness and joy. Joy is deep-rooted, consistent, everlasting. Happiness is simply temporary. That's all there is to it. You don't have to be happy to be joyful. I am naturally a joyful person, a person with a good sense of humor, a person that people look at and say, "Oh, her? She's ALWAYS happy." Oh, ho, ho! Look who knows so much! For all you know, I go home and cut. (I don't, but it's nothing I've never considered.) Joy comes from knowing where you stand and knowing that you will never be moved. Being secure. Happiness comes from good circumstances, such as a party, or a good day, or a weekend in Paris. Joy comes from being able to smile and nod to yourself and know that you have a place you can go or a safety net. (Mine is Jesus!) You cannot have joy without security. You cannot have true happiness without JOY! (A x B = C, so therefore...)

Joy is all about being able to smile when your world is crumbling around you. When my step-father died, I was truly torn up about it. I loved him; we clicked. We got along, always, and I learned a lot from him. And I smiled.

It's true that there are appropriate times for sorrow. To me, in my personal opinion, the bedroom is a good place and at night is a good time. That's it. Period. But see, that's just me. I don't like crying in front of people because I think it makes me look weak and insecure. Not necessarily the case, but somewhere deep inside me I think that. Fine, you say, so if that's just your opinion, what's the truth?

A time to weep, a time to be happy, a time to sow, a time to reap, a time for everything. You'll know when it's the time to cry. You'll know when you need to smile.

Keep an open heart.